


Tosca – Barcelona 2023

“On a vocal level, the performance featured the alternative cast, in which George Gagnidze especially stood out as the perfidious Scarpia: the baritone, with an imposing stage presence, mastered the difficulties of the role from beginning to end, exhibiting at all times a flow of exuberant voice, as well as an attractive and harmonic timbre.”
Aniol Costa-Pau, Opera Áctual

“Georgian baritone George Gagnidze was a Scarpia with a much more suitable instrument than his two rival protagonists. Thanks to his color and power, his interpretation of the satyr Baron brought interest and theatrical credibility…”
Jordi Maddalena, Platea Magazine

“George Gagnidze was a Scarpia with better stage presence and vocal homogeneity than…”
Xavier Parera, Scherzo

“In other performances both the tenor Antonio Corianò and the baritone Gagnidze, sonorous Scarpia, were appreciated.”
Marcelo Cervelló, L’Opera

“George Gagnidze, (…) good actor and well characterized as Scarpia (…)”
Albert Torrens, Revista Musical

“With his dark vocal timbre, George Gagnidze received ovations at curtain call.
Carme Miró, Sonograma

“A voice of undoubted tonnage…”
Andrea Merli, I teatri dell’Est

“Scarpia was the Georgian baritone George Gagnidze, who did well (…). His voice is large…”
José M. Irurzun, Beckmesser




Interview Platea Magazine: “Verdi siempre ha sido mi compositor favorito”

El barítono de origen georgiano George Gagnidze es bien conocido en nuestro país por sus notables interpretaciones de roles de Verdi y Puccini, singularmente. El próximo domingo 4 de agosto, el XVI Festival Lírico Ópera Benicàssim acogerá un recital en solitario con su voz, acompañado al piano por José Manuel Frasquet.




“George Gagnidze is outstanding as Shaklovity” in Berlin

Reviews are brilliant for the new production of Khovanshchina and George Gagnidze's Shaklovity at the Staatsoper Unter den Linden:




George Gagnidze a Macbeth of “round, harmonically rich vocality” in Bologna

“With Verdi, the Georgian baritone gets along fully: Rigoletto, Nabucco, Miller, Simone are also among his signature roles. He takes on the multifaceted figure of the usurping monarch with a round, harmonically rich vocality, naturally wide-ranged and generous -- at times even almost overflowing -- but well controlled…” Gilberto Mion, Teatro about George Gagnidze's portrayal of Macbeth at the Teatro Comunale of Bologna, April 2024.




Interview with GBOpera

George Gagnidze was interviewed by GBOpera. Among the many topics he spoke with Giorgio Bagnoli are his return to Italy, his debut at the Teatro Comunale of Bologna, and the role he is singing there, Verdi's Macbeth.




George Gagnidze “delivers a magnificent Scarpia” in Las Palmas

George Gagnidze just brought his celebrated portrayal of Scarpia in Tosca to the Las Palmas Opera in Gran Canaria. Here below you will find a couple of reviews: