


Das Opernglas

“Wunderbare Technik”

“Der in Tiflis geborene und dort auch ausgebildete Bariton debütierte im Jahr 1996 im Paliashvili-Opernhaus als Renato in »Un ballo in maschera«, war Preisträger des Leyla-Gencer-Wettbewerbs und des Elena-Obraztsova-Wettbewerbs und errang 2005 beim Concorso Voci Verdiane von einer Jury unter dem Vorsitz von José Carreras und Katia Ricciarelli den ersten Preis. Von Deutschland aus startete George Gagnidze dann seine internationale Karriere, die ihn innerhalb kürzester Zeit an viele wichtige Opernhäuser der Welt führte. Seit seinem sensationellen Debüt als Rigoletto an der New Yorker Metropolitan Opera im Jahr 2009 zählt er zu den führenden Sängern seines Fachs.”




“George Gagnidze is outstanding as Shaklovity” in Berlin

Reviews are brilliant for the new production of Khovanshchina and George Gagnidze's Shaklovity at the Staatsoper Unter den Linden:




George Gagnidze a Macbeth of “round, harmonically rich vocality” in Bologna

“With Verdi, the Georgian baritone gets along fully: Rigoletto, Nabucco, Miller, Simone are also among his signature roles. He takes on the multifaceted figure of the usurping monarch with a round, harmonically rich vocality, naturally wide-ranged and generous -- at times even almost overflowing -- but well controlled…” Gilberto Mion, Teatro about George Gagnidze's portrayal of Macbeth at the Teatro Comunale of Bologna, April 2024.




Interview with GBOpera

George Gagnidze was interviewed by GBOpera. Among the many topics he spoke with Giorgio Bagnoli are his return to Italy, his debut at the Teatro Comunale of Bologna, and the role he is singing there, Verdi's Macbeth.




George Gagnidze “delivers a magnificent Scarpia” in Las Palmas

George Gagnidze just brought his celebrated portrayal of Scarpia in Tosca to the Las Palmas Opera in Gran Canaria. Here below you will find a couple of reviews:




“George Gagnidze excelled” as Nabucco in Live in HD from the MET

Reviews are out for the Live in HD performance of Nabucco from the Metropolitan Opera starring George Gagnidze in the title role: