


Nabucco – Berlin 2019

“With George Gagnidze, the Deutsche Oper Berlin engaged one of today’s best Nabuccos. With his pleasantly coloured baritone voice of perfect symmetry, powerful in the forte passages while completely unchallenged in the mezza voce, with a glorious flow in the prayer scene he was a worthy exponent of this role.”

Ingrid Wanja, Der Opernfreund


“Georgian baritone George Gagnidze, one of today’s most sought-after exponents of the Italian Fach, had been engaged for the title role of “Nabucco”. Gagnidze made a name for himself on an international level with select roles from Verdi operas, notably Amonasro (“Aida”) and the title roles of “Simon Boccanegra” and “Rigoletto”. At this performance, Gagnidze displays a brightly timbred, but above all noble and well-disposed baritone voice with a pleasant and substantial middle register. (…)

The middle register shows voluminous and vigorous qualities… . Gagnidze convinces especially in rousing dramatic scenes, such as at the end of the second scene in “Tremin gl’insani del mio furore!”, where he elaborates the authoritative-tyrannical character of Nabucco with vocal expressiveness and creative power. (…) By way of acting, he flings himself into Keith Warner’ role concept with great dedication and theatrical habitus.

Conclusion: George Gagnidze was really worth hearing in the lead role of “Nabucco“. … he convinces in dramatic scenes requiring a large and expressive baritone voice.
Markus Guggenberger, Opern- & Konzertkritik Berlin


His performance was dramatically intelligent; one felt that each word he sang had meaning; his voice was satisfyingly robust. In Part IV, when his character returns to sanity […], his repentant pleas to God felt heartbreakingly earnest and dramatically sensitive.

Elyse Lyon,




Interview Platea Magazine: “Verdi siempre ha sido mi compositor favorito”

El barítono de origen georgiano George Gagnidze es bien conocido en nuestro país por sus notables interpretaciones de roles de Verdi y Puccini, singularmente. El próximo domingo 4 de agosto, el XVI Festival Lírico Ópera Benicàssim acogerá un recital en solitario con su voz, acompañado al piano por José Manuel Frasquet.




“George Gagnidze is outstanding as Shaklovity” in Berlin

Reviews are brilliant for the new production of Khovanshchina and George Gagnidze's Shaklovity at the Staatsoper Unter den Linden:




George Gagnidze a Macbeth of “round, harmonically rich vocality” in Bologna

“With Verdi, the Georgian baritone gets along fully: Rigoletto, Nabucco, Miller, Simone are also among his signature roles. He takes on the multifaceted figure of the usurping monarch with a round, harmonically rich vocality, naturally wide-ranged and generous -- at times even almost overflowing -- but well controlled…” Gilberto Mion, Teatro about George Gagnidze's portrayal of Macbeth at the Teatro Comunale of Bologna, April 2024.




Interview with GBOpera

George Gagnidze was interviewed by GBOpera. Among the many topics he spoke with Giorgio Bagnoli are his return to Italy, his debut at the Teatro Comunale of Bologna, and the role he is singing there, Verdi's Macbeth.




George Gagnidze “delivers a magnificent Scarpia” in Las Palmas

George Gagnidze just brought his celebrated portrayal of Scarpia in Tosca to the Las Palmas Opera in Gran Canaria. Here below you will find a couple of reviews: